"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

-- Mark Twain

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Medical Care in the Middle East

Dubai has the third fastest growing economies on the planet and is one of the weathiest cities in the world. It is not uncommon to see Bentleys parked out in front of your local supermarket. The mercedes is the vehicle of choice for most local families. Given all of this wealth, one would assume that Dubai, and the Gulf Arab countries in general, have excellent health care and resources. WRONG.

Up until last week, there were absolutely no pediatric gastroenterologists in Dubai. As a result of Zane's rare allergic disease and need for frequent endoscopies, an American board certified adult gastroenterologist ordered the first pediatric endoscopy unit in the Gulf outside of Saudi Arabia. The first pediatric endoscopy was performed on a child in March, shortly before we returned from the States. Prior to that, if a doctor had to perform an endoscopy on a child they used adult equipment which is extremely dangerous.

The other problem with health care here is simply a cultural one. In the East, they simply don't take certain illnesses too seriously - like allergic diseases. When we first moved to Dubai, I told the receptionist at the hotel check-in that I desperately needed a non-smoking room because I have allergies and asthma. He replied by asking me, "What are allergies?"

When Zane had his adenoid surgery last week, my biggest fear was that they would give him medication that contained one of the many things he is allergic to in it - namely soy, egg or dairy, which many medications are made from. They didn't. But, after the surgery they fed Zane food that he was allergic to and then informed us that the hospital did not have the ability to accommodate his restrictive diet.

How do the locals do it, you wonder? Some of the Gulf Arab states are welfare states. The governments provide everything and anything for their wealthy citizens. If you are an Emirati local that needs health care services the government will pay for you and your family to travel anywhere in the world to recieve such specified care. A nose job? No problem. Face lift? Check. Heart bypass surgery? Sure. You got it. The government will pay for its citizenry to stay as long as they need to with all expenses paid.

Nice, huh?

Signing off from Dubai - where it was 110 degrees F today,

PS. Zane did really well in his surgery and has healed nicely. Thank you to all for your thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

People should read this.

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